Whenever an exercise plan is put together it is important to allow some wiggle room and flexibility. Life never stops moving, and sometimes priorities or circumstances change, and we are forced to cope with the consequences of those changes.
I am being sent to Oklahoma City on Monday for training. Believe it or not, I am very excited about it! This trip is coming at a good time of year where I need a break from the office.
I spent three weeks in Oklahoma City last summer for training, and met some great people and saw a lot of cool things. Especially the names of the bars and restaurants (as referenced by the title of this entry). It's always nice to be sent away on business to a place where you wouldn't normally go on vacation.
Anyways, back to the point. Monday is usually a running day for me, and unless I get up super-early to get in 4-miles before I leave, there will be no time for it. And I'm not getting up super-early before I leave. Additionally, OKC has been about 15F higher on average than it has been here in Michigan. Oofda. I guess I'll be doing my running during the evenings, and even then I'm going to roast.
So I think I am going to run 5 miles on Tuesday and Wednesday, and then do my 12-mile route on Saturday after I get home. It's one less day of running, but after finishing my 11-mile route this morning I'm finding that I need more time to recover from the long runs anyway. It's been a physically challenging week, with none of my runs feeling all that great after my 10-mile last weekend.
I've discovered that my body really enjoys an 8-mile run. During the 9th mile, the pain becomes noticeable, and the sweat really starts to poor, and during the 10th mile, I start to want to die. It's those freakish hills I have to run up to get out of the valley. >:-( Humph. I finished today with a time I'm not too happy about. I may need to spend a little extra cash before my run next Saturday and invest in a heart monitor and a new pair of shoes.
Have a great weekend everyone, and my next post will be coming to you from Oklahoma City!
Maybe your hotel will have a tread mill? Then you can run in the air conditioning. :) 5 miles is not horrible on a tread mill. Any more than that gets insane.