Saturday, May 28, 2011

The flood of 2011

Readers, I love dreary weather more than most people.  But man this has been a wet spring.  We've had something like 13 days in a row of rain, and the ground is completely saturated.  I've watched a lake form outside of my office, a tree come crashing down on my poor roommate's Suburu Forester, and driven a truck through what didn't used to be a river between a corn field and a golf course.  OUT OF CONTROL.  This hasn't really caused too many problems with my running as of yet.  I ran three days this week, for a total of about 7 miles.  I have a ways to go, but it's a good start.  I even managed to use one of the rainy days to find a gym, which I am excited to start using.

Over the last couple of days, my runs have improved.  Not my times, necessarily, but definitely the way my body is responding.  The only negative was that yesterday the sidewalk jumped up to bite me and I swan-dove into the sidewalk right along Stadium Rd.  I'm sure the drivers that saw me would give me a perfect 10!  A little blood never hurt anyone.

I'm hoping to start at the gym next week, and I will start increasing my runs to three miles or higher.  Looking forward to an active summer!

Monday, May 23, 2011

Looney Tunes Lawn Mowers and a New Beginning

Well peeps, the grass is green, the trees have leaves, and the healthy people are out of the gym and back outside.  I guess I should probably join them.  Somewhere down the line I am going to have to realize that it's not okay to be a healthy person for half the year and then become a hibernating glutton over the winter months.  Oh Jets, you destroy me.

Things have changed a bit from my situation last year.  I am not planning on running any marathons in the near future.  I just want to get to where I'm running 20-30 miles a week.  Also, I moved into a house on the east side of town, so I get some new routes!  That is exciting.  I'm still trying to recover from that near heart-attack caused by that awful german shepherd

This new living situation has provided me with a new oportunity for yard work, and the use of this RIDICULOUS contraption:
Seriously, what is this?  Only one of the worst inventions ever created.  Bugs Bunny (or whatever cartoon used it...Wylie Cayote?) makes it look so easy.  It is not.  It is NOT a good time.  At least I'm getting an upper-body workout, but I may be on craigslist before too long looking for a gas-powered machine.  I can't go around with bruised palms all summer.

I ran a little over 2 miles yesterday and it was sloooooow.  I definitely have a long way to go before I get comfortable with this again.  I'm going to look into a gym membership this afternoon.  We'll see if paying for this health nonsense will make me do it, and get me into shape a bit faster. =D  Here's to a new running season!